How to use Phone / Chat Support PIN ?

Phone / Chat Support PIN 

1. What is Phone / Chat Support PIN ?

Phone / Chat Support PIN is an authentication mechanism for support methods where login is not possible, like phone support or chat support.

2. How do I get my Phone / Chat Support PIN ?

Login to the Leapswitch Client Portal and click on Update Details . The PIN is also set on new client registration.

3. How does the Support PIN benefit me (the client) ?

The Support PIN provides easier access to higher levels of support. You can give us a call or hop onto our live chat and authorize yourself with the Support PIN with same privileges as a Support Ticket.
Support PIN also adds another level of protection for your account.

4. What happens if I do not have my Support PIN ?

Our chat or phone support operators will not be able to provide any account specific support without PIN authorization. According to your service, you need to authorize yourself with -
1. Domain name registration - Domain name and Support PIN
2. Shared hosting - Primary domain name and Support PIN
3. Reseller Hosting - Reseller domain name and Support PIN
4. VPS / Dedicated Server - IP Address and Support PIN
5. Email hosting - Domain name and Support PIN

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