How to create a website in IIS?

How to create a website in IIS?

1. Go to ‘Start’

2. In search tab type ‘IIS’ . It will display IIS option. Click on ‘Internet Information Services’.

3.  Click on ‘server name’. (Second option with computer name in left pane)

     Right click on ‘Sites’ option.

     Select ‘Add  Web site’.

     It will open ‘Add Web Site’ window.


4. Fill out all the details.

   Create a folder in C: drive. And upload all the files of website there.

   [NOTE : If you want to host only one website on IIS then you can choose default website. Just change the name of website , change other details  and upload files under C:/inetpub/wwwroot/]

5. Click on ‘OK’.

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